
This week I have attended Berlin Blockchain Week, together with the team of Authtrail. I could only be there for 2 days, so I tried to make the most of the sessions and parties :-)

I have attended a session on UI/UX design in web3 and one of the questions, which sparked a discussion was — how do we use the best designs from web2 in web3. How can we get the same level of adoption and convenience users can have using Amazon app when they use crypto waller. How can we enable enterprise dev teams using web3 technologies, using API concepts, familiar to them.

It turned out that this discussion shaped by time in Berlin. This was the topic, which I was bringing up myself in a lot of follow up conversations, but also it was coming from other people as well. Two important aspects have been mentioned:

  1. Convenience for the end user. Amazon was used a lot as an example, however it is not only convenience, which is driving it wide adoption. It is a sense of security, ability to return or cancel the transaction, which has been initiated. Technically speaking this is not something web3 is ever going to offer, given the nature of its operations. Would there ever be a web3 middle layer, allowing to refund completed blockchain transactions? One feedback I got to this comment was that the whole concept of taking the middle layer away and giving end user full ownership (and full responsibility) of its data is wiping out the possibility of such middle layer to ever emerge. Time will tell.

  2. Ability to innovate for Enterprise, without significant dev team upskilling. Large publicly traded companies are faced with the pressure to innovate and to address web3. Not necessary in DeFi sense, but more from the technology perspective and the growing demand to utilise certain decentralised technologies. Similar to the need to have a crypto wallet to access NFTs, there is a need to have a number of blockchain connectors to access those technologies. The amount of time and effort to keep up with constantly changing para-chain offerings is expected to only grow. Unlike the user example above the possible solutions here are less controversial, as those are providing middle layers only from technology point of view.

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