
The book I managed to read in 2 days

Nov 8, 2020 | 1 minute read
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Tags: reading, books

As you may know from my earlier posts reading books in English makes me fall a sleep. I am working hard to battle this “habit”, by looking for books, which are going to keep me awake instead. Here is one, which I have come across completely by accident.

Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey became first known to me on the WEDU podcast. I normally listen to podcasts when running across streets of London and I enjoy it a lot. I see it as some sort of meditation (more on this in some other posts later).

The book managed to keep me engaged becasue it is light, fun and interesting. It also has a strong message (the whole ’lights’ concept), but somehow it does not bother you when you read it. Interesting enough some aspects of the concept came back to me later, when I was going throught some events in my career, which again is a very good sign on something sticking into the brain in the right way.