
The ride of a lifetime

Apr 28, 2021 | 2 minutes read
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Tags: reading, books

It is time for another book reading post. I have not kept a discipline in this area lately, primarily due to 2 factors: my rejuvenated interest in machine learning and a couple of fresh books in Russian from some of my favourite authors.

But finally I found the time and dived into “The ride of a lifetime” by Robert Iger, former CEO, currently Chairman of the Board of Disney. When I saw the book highlighted by some of the people I follow I immediately ordered it. I must admit - I am a huge fan of Disney. When I first went to Disney land at the age of nineteen, I promised myself that my kids will get there at the younger age. and I kept this promise. My son has been to all Disney parks on this planet, excluding Shanghai one, which was not open yet, when we traveled. My daughter has been to the parks in US and Europe, parks in Asia are on the radar.

So the book rewarded my expectations. It is about Disney, about the culture there, about some difficult times and some exiting moments in the company’s history. It is also an easy read, kind of simple journey, which has clearly not been simple in real life. The book tries to summarise lessons and teach you something, but I found it unnecessary. It was almost like someone said it should be part of the book, so it qualifies as management reading.

I have also listened to a Tim Ferris podcast with Robert Iger and it enriched the books experience. I have started to do it recently, either before or after reading the bibliographic types of books. Even that people have aids to help them deliver the message in the book, hearing them talking about it at least enforces the messages and sometimes opens up things I missed. I definitely recommend it, not sure it is available in multiple languages, at least not in Russian so far. Probably an opportunity for a publisher to look at.