
T + 90 days: trajectory nominal

Feb 19, 2021 | 1 minute read
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Tags: vc, investment

It has been almost 3 months, since I have decided that I will be spending more time on the topic of VC and investment, so here is a short update:

  • Completed Private Equity and Venture Capital course on Coursera. I definitely recommed it to everyone, who is starting to explore the VC world, it gives most of the basic definitions and terms.
  • Made my first sizable investment into a startup. That required me to learn furter things, read and correct legal documents. Now it requires me to wait without checking if I have made any money already.
  • Made a number of smaller investments via online platform. Interesting experience as well, less hassle, but everything has a price.
  • There is already a pipeline of next things I am going to invest into, so looking forward to it.
  • Learned about UK and EU incentives for investors, see my separate blogpost on it.
  • Met (virtually) a lot of new people already and looking forward to meet even more. This is a people’s business and it is exciting!

Overall I am enjoying the ride so far and if you are interested to join or just chat about it - please reach out!