
T + 200 days: trajectory nominal

May 2, 2021 | 2 minutes read
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Tags: vc, investment

Wow, time goes fast. I could have never imagined how much I would be able to know, learn and find out when I started this journey. It has been exiting 200 days I am happy to share another level of progress with you:

  • on VC front things have been actively moving. I have been accepted to the VC investor club Angelsdeck and have been enjoying and learning every day of being part of this community.
  • my investment portfolio continues to grow, I have completed 3 investments and one more is to be finalised in the next 2 weeks. of course there are a tons of things to learn still, but I like the progress.
  • I have sharpen my investment thesis, as I have quickly understood that simply looking at all attractive ideas is not working, there are too much of them. I focus on foodtech/food delivery startups, crypto (not the currency trading, but the infrastructure around, like exchanges) and gaming.
  • inspired by coincidence I looked back at my graduation project on speed recognition using neutral networks and tried to get up to speed with the industry developments in this space. This resulted in learning google’s Tensorflow project, creating a number of simply models to try out. clearly amazing how much the performance of consume electronics has advanced, allowing you to create comprehensive AI on your home mac or pc.
  • I have read more books in English than I read over the past 5 years. Different books, science fiction, management literature, coaching, personal development, VC, etc. I am trying to make sure In publish my short reviews here, look out for reading tag
  • published couple of articles on medium and shared them on LinkedIn - got interesting traction, will continue to do that, one article is in the making now
  • met a huge number of interesting people, learned a lot from them, look forward to meet even more

Overall I am enjoying the ride so far and if you are interested to join or just chat about it - please reach out!